To follow up with the 1st Annual Green Schools Conference, held on June 16th 2016, the following are links to the conference presentations and select green school funding opportunities:
Community Connections Small Grants Program
Provides $50-750 in grants to events/activities lead by residents in 21 eligible neighborhood
Neighborhood Improvement Development Corp. (NIDC) - Community Improvement Project (CIP) grants
- Grants up to $4,000 (required match funding) for neighborhood improvement and resident engagement
Sweet Water (SWWT) Annual Mini Grant Program
- Grants for $1,000 - $5,000 for projects that protect and restore our shared water resources
Wisconsin Coastal Management Program
- Grants to enhance and restore coastal resources within all counties adjacent to Lakes Michigan
Zilber Family Foundation’s Neighborhood Initiative
- Grants available to nonprofits for improvement in Lindsay Heights, Clarke Square, Layton Park, Burnham Park, and Silver City neighborhood
Fund for Lake Michigan (FFLM) and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD)
- Grants for $10,000+ for green infrastructure at parks, schools, and public open spaces – Applications due August 10th 2016